
We all have 24-hours in a day, whether you are the leader of the free world, a business woman with a family or a young adult with no children.  Yet, we all catch ourselves declaring “I don’t have time!”  Together, let’s roll-up our sleeves, confront procrastination and prioritize our lives.  Join me while we practice simple techniques to reclaim control and mindfully decide what we are willing to exchange a day of our life for.


As the Owner and Master Coach of Meet The Future Success Coaching and a Senior Advisor for Dimensional Search, a global executive search and recruiting franchise organization, Laura Burgess offers a unique lens and refreshing approach to help business professionals leverage the necessary skills, best practices and mindset-shift to wink at life’s challenges and excel to new heights. She intuitively guides those she leads and evokes a renewed commitment to take action and achieve success. To date, she has delivered 100+ conference workshops, developed 1,000+ leaders and trained 10,000+ sales professionals.

Key Takeaways:

You will walk away with the competence and confidence to put into practice powerful tools designed to help you with daily and ongoing planning and prioritization.  Are you ready!?